otohirurg, ORL-neurohirurg, mikrohirurg i endoskopski hirurg baze lobanje i vrata

Prof. dr Andrew Fishman

Andrew Fishman

otohirurg, ORL-neurohirurg, mikrohirurg i endoskopski hirurg baze lobanje i vrata
(oto-surgeon, oto-neurosurgeon and skull base head & neck surgeon)

Profesor doktor Andrew Fishman je međunarodno priznad stručnjak za operacije uha, ORL- neurohirurgije i minimalno invazivne operacije baze lobanje koristeći mikrohirurške i endoskopske načine. Doktor Fishman ima preko dvadeset pet godina iskustva kao profesor hirurgije i medicine i to na prestiżnim univerzitetima kao što su Northwestern u Čikagu i Njujork u Njujorku SAD. Takođe je razvio brojne centre za neuro nauko u Evropi i Aziji. Doktor Fishman je specialista za kompleksne operacije uha, sluha i ravnoteže. On izvodi kompleksne neurohirurške zahvate za tumore u baze lobanje i povezanih živaca uključujući akustičnu neuromu, holesteatomu, meningiomu, tumor na hipofizi i druge. Kompletan spisak operacija koje doktor izvodi možete naći na sajtu www.andrewfishmanmd.com.

Professor Dr. Andrew Fishman is an internationally recognized expert in surgery of the ear, ORL-neurosurgery and minimally invasive surgery of the skull base using both microsurgical and endoscopic methods. He has resettled to Belgrade from Northwestern University in Chicago and has over 25 years of experience as a professor of surgery throughout the USA, Europe, and Asia. He specializes in complex surgeries of the ear, hearing, and balance. He performs complex neurosurgical procedures for tumors of the base of the skull and associated nerves, including acoustic neuroma, cholesteatoma, meningioma, pituitary tumors, and others. A complete list of surgeries he performs can be found at www.andrewfishmanmd.com.

U Acibadem Bel Medicu radi / Role at Acibadem Bel Medic:

  • Specijalističke preglede ambulantnih pacijenata, preglede hospitalizovanih pacijenata. Evaluacije pacijenata za operaciju ili potrebne tretmane.
    Consultations and examinations of outpatients and hospitalized patients, evaluation of patients for surgery and medical treatments.

Radno iskustvo / Work History:

  • Od 2021 godine ACIBADEM BEL MEDIC.
    (2021 - Consultant ACIBADEM BEL MEDIC)
  • Od 2013. do 2022 direktor centra za ORL-Neurohirurgiju i načelnik odeljenja za neuro nauku na NORTHWESTERN u Čikagu SAD.
    (2013 - 2022 Director of Neurotology & Cranial Base Surgery and Chairman of Neuroscience at Northwestern Medicine, Chicago USA.)
  • Od 2018 godine profesor na Katedri za ORL Univerzitet u Misuriju SAD.
    (2018- Adjunct Professor University of Missouri USA)
  • Od 2012 godine konsultant odeljenja Neurohirurgiju i ORL u Vojnomedicinskoj Akademiji u Poljskoj.
    (2012 - Consultant, Departments of Otolaryngology and Neurosurgery, Military Hospital Bydgoszcz, Poland.)
  • Od 2009 godine hirurg dobrovoljac u Nacionalnom Vojnom Medicinskom Centru SAD.
    (2009 - American Red Cross Volunteer Surgeon Walter Reed National Medical Military Center, Bethesda Maryland, USA.)
  • Od 2009 godine profesor pedijatrijske otorinolaringologije u Dečjoj Bolnici u Bidgošću u Poljskoj.
    (2009 - International Professor of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Children’s Hospital of Bydgoszcz, Poland.)
  • Od 2007 profesor na Katedri za ORL i Neurohirurgiju NORTHWESTERN Univerzitet u Čikagu SAD.
    (2007 - Professor of Otolaryngology and Neurosurgery at Northwestern University School of Medicine Chicago USA.)
  • Od 2007 međunarodni gostujući profesor Medicum Univerziteta Nikolaja Kopernika u Bidgošću u Poljskoj.
    (2007 - Visiting International Professor Department of Otolaryngology Nicolaus Copernicus University Collegium Medicum Bydgoszcz, Poland.)
  • Od 2005 konsultant odeljenja Neurohirurgije i Maksilofacijalne hirurgije, Institut Medicinskih Nauka Amrita u Kočinu, Kerala, Indija.
    (2005 - Consultant for Departments of Neurosurgery and Head & Neck Surgery, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences in Cochin, Kerala, India.)
  • Od 1998. do 2006 profesor na Medicinskom Univerzitetu Njujork u Njujorku SAD.
    (1998 - Professor New York University School of Medicine, New York USA.)

Obrazovanje / Education:

  • 1998 - Sub-specijalizacija za ORL-Neurohirurgiju i hirurgiju baze lobanje.
    (1998 - Sub-specialization in Skull Base and Oto-Neurosurgery, New York University School of Medicine, New York, USA.)
  • 1996 - Specijalizacija za ORL decu i odrasle, hirurgiju glava i vrata, plastičnu hirurgiju lica, Njujork Univerzitet Medicine, Njujork SAD.
    (1996 - Specialization in Adult and Pediatric Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery and Facial Plastic Surgery, New York University School of Medicine, New York, USA.)
  • 1992 - Specijalizacija za postoperativnu intenzivnu negu Medicinski fakultet Albert Ajnštajn Njujork SAD.
    (1992 - Fellowship in Surgical Intensive Care Medicine, Albert Einstein School of Medicine, New York, USA.)
  • 1991 - Opšta hirugija, Medicinski fakultet Albert Ajnštajn Njujork SAD.
    (1991- General Surgery, Albert Einstein School of Medicine, New York, USA.)
  • 1989 Doktor medicine, Medicinski fakultet Univerzitet Boston u Boston-u država Masačusets SAD.
    (1989 - Doctor of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston Massachusetts USA.)

Izbor Publikacija / Selected Publications:

  • Fishman AJ, The Expanded Transtemporal Approach for Large CPA Lesions in Master Techniques in Otology Neurotology Roland JT [Ed.] Wolters Kluwer 2019.
  • Fishman AJ, Total Tympanic Membrane Reconstruction in Master Techniques in Otology Neurotology Roland JT [Ed.] Wolters Kluwer 2019.
  • Bendok BR, Rahme RJ, Aoun SG, El Ahmadieh TY, El Tecle NE, Hunt Batjer H, Fishman AJ, Enhancement of the Subtemporal Approach by Partial Postero-superior Petrosectomy with Hearing Preservation, Neurosurgery, 2014
  • Fishman AJ, Holliday RA. Principles of Cochlear Implant Imaging. In Waltzman SB, Roland JT eds. Cochlear Implants. 3rd Edition New York: Thieme. 2013.
  • Fishman AJ, Mierzwinski J, Myringoplasty/Tympanoplasty - Zone Based Approach & Total Tympanic Membrane Reconstruction (TTMR) in Encyclopedia of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Stilianos E. Kountakis [Ed.] Springer 2013.
  • Conley DB, Tan B, Bendok BR, Batjer HH, Chandra R, Sidle D, Rahme R, Adel J, Fishman AJ. Comparison of Intraoperative Portable CT Scanners in Skull Base and Endoscopic Sinus Surgery: Single Center Case Series, Skull Base 2011; 21(4): 261-270.
  • Sidle DM, Fishman AJ, Modification of the Orthodromic Temporalis Tendon Transfer Technique for Reanimation of the Paralyzed Face. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011 Jul;145(1):18-23.
  • Hill M, Chandra RK, Fishman AJ, Kern RC. Endoscopic Approaches to the Sella. In Operative Tech Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg: Anterior Skull Base Surgery/Approaches to the Anterior Skull Base. Elsevier, Inc., Burlington, MA, 2009.
  • Roland JT, Fishman AJ Golfinos J, Alexiades G, Cohen NL, Jackman A. Cranial Nerve Preservation in Surgery for Large Acoustic Neuromas. Skull Base and Interdisciplinary Approach, Vol 14, No 2, 85-91, 2004.
  • Fishman AJ, Marrinan MS, Roland JT, Golfinos JG, Cohen NL, Prevention and Management of CSF Leak Following Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery. Laryngoscope. 2004 Mar;114(3):501-
  • Fishman AJ, Roland Jr JT, Alexiades G, Mierzwinski J, Cohen NL. Fluoroscopically Assisted Cochlear Implantation. Otology and Neurotology 24(6):882-6. November 2003.
  • Fishman AJ, Hoffman RA, Roland JT Jr, Lebowitz RA, Cohen NL. Cerebrospinal fluid drainage in the management of CSF leak following acoustic neuroma surgery. Laryngoscope 1996 Aug;106(8):1002-4.
  • Fishman AJ, Marrinan M., Huang T, Kanowitz S. Repair of the Total Tympanic Membrane Perforation: AlloDerm vs. Temporalis Fascia. Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Volume 132, Issue 6, June 2005, Pages 906-915. Included in: Paparella M, Keefe M, Gapany M eds. Mosby Yearbook of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery 2006, Elsevier 2006, pp 93-94.

  • A complete list of publications can be found on PubMed and at www.andrewfishmanmd.com.

Profesionalna Članstva / Professional Memberships:

  • Član Američke asocijacije neuroloških hirurga
    (American Association of Neurological Surgeons)
  • Član Američog komiteta za sertifikaciju ORL
    (American Board of Adult and Pediatric Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery)
  • Član Američog komiteta za sertifikaciju Neurotologa
    (American Board of Neurotology)
  • Član Poljskog društva za dećju ORL
    (Honorary Member Polish Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology)
  • Član Čikaškog laringo i oto društva
    (Chicago Laryngological and Otological Society)

Posebna sfera interesovanja / Special Sphere of Interest:

akustična neuroma, tumor hipofize, meningioma, operacije tumora u bazi lobanje, operacije uha za odrasle i decu, holesteatoma, paraliza facialnog nerva, rekonstrukcija paralize lica i oka, jugulotimpanični glomus tumor, kompleksne operacije stednjeg uha mastoidne kosti, tretmani sluha i ravnoteže, Menijerova bolest, Neurofibromatoza, otoskleroza, tumor parotidne žlezde, tumor u nosu i sinusima

Kompletan spisak operacija koje doktor izvodi možete naći na sajtu www.andrewfishmanmd.com.

Acoustic Neuroma, Adult & Pediatric Ear surgery, Cholesteatoma, Facial Nerve Surgery & Reconstruction, Glomus & Carotid Body TumorsHearing Restoration Surgery, Meniere’s Disease, Meningioma Skull Base Tumors, Neurofibromatosis Type II Otosclerosis, Parotid Tumors, Pituitary Tumors, Sinus & Nasal Tumors

A complete list of diseases he treats can be found at www.andrewfishmanmd.com.

Dostignuća i priznanja / Achievements and Awards:

  • 2021 - Dobitnik R01 fonda za istraživanje Nacionalnog Instituta Zdravlja SAD-a za razvoj „opto-električnih kokliarnih implanta.”
    (2021 - Recipient of National Institute of Health (NIH) R01 Research Grant Award for the development of “Opto-Electrical Cochlear Implants”. FAIN R01DC018666)
  • 2014 - Dobitnik nagrade - Daglas L. Džonson Fondacije - nagrađenog načelnika neuro nauka na NORTHWESTERN bolnici. Nagrada je namenjena za promociju i izgradnju centra za edukaciju lekara i stručnjaka o operacijama baze lobanje koristeći 3D video i kompjutersku tehnologiju.
    (2014 -Awarded Endowed Chairman of Neuroscience at Northwestern Medicine, Chicago USA - Douglas L. Johnson Foundation at Northwestern Medicine - for the development of a training program for University Residents (Northwestern and University of Missouri) and international trainees using 3D computer-based video technologies)
  • 2010 - Dobitnik R21 fonda za istraživanje Nacionalnog Instituta Zdravlja SAD-a za razvoj „novog hirurškog lasera.”
    (2010 - Recipient of National Institute of Health (NIH) R21 Research Grant Award for “Development of a Novel Surgical Laser”)
  • 2010 - Dobitnik nagradnog fonda od Američke Akademije ORL za istraživanje „kompjuterska tomografija kokliarnog mekog tkiva na nivou ćelija.“
    (2010 - Research Grant Award from the American Academy of Otolaryngology “Computer Tomography of Cochlear Soft Tissues at a Cellular Level”)
  • 2010 - Dobitnik nagradnog fonda od Hju Nols Fondacije za istraživanje „snimanje kokliarnog mekog tkiva sa tvrdim rendgen zracima.“
    (2010 - Research Grant Award from the American Academy of Otolaryngology “Computer Tomography of Cochlear Soft Tissues at a Cellular Level”)
  • 2005 - Nagrada za zaslugu od Američke Akademije za ORL za pripremanje i predavanje velikog broja kurseva za lekare.
    (2005 - Honor Award from the American Academy of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery)

Strani jezici / Foreign Languages Spoken:

  • Engleski/ English
  • Francuski/French
  • Španski/Spanish
  • Italijanski/Italian